X5 and Apple Pages: Errors in bibliography


I’m using EndNote X5 with the latest version of Apple Pages. When I create a bibliography in my document EndNote creates a lot of errors in the bibliography concerning the names of the journals: It uses quite randomly small letters instead of capitals at the beginning of the words. For example:

Instead of: Insternational Journal of Clinical Hematology 
i nternational j ournal of C linical h ematology

This does neither change if I modify the citation style nor if I delete the citations and then add them again.

Is there a solution for this error? Otherwise I have to format all the citations manually…

You might want to review this thread as it points out a few of the problems regarding Journal terms list use and problems with default settings in Endnote which can create idiosyncratic journal name replacements.

  1. Inspect and probably delete and  import a useful Journal terms list into each library (this is library specific)

  2. Turn off auto updating of the journal terms list, as this can incorporate new incorrect “replacement” columns depending on the filter/connection file in use for a specific database.

3.  make sure you are using the most up-to-date connection/filter files for your database of choice.